Top Super Foods!

Super Foods

, foods naturally found in nature, are a special category of foods found to be beneficial in achieving good health. They are usually low-calorie and rich in nutrients and pack a lot of punch in relation to their weight. You will also find that they are some of the best sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients. Discover 5 of these super foods with recipe suggestions below.

Sweet PotatoSweet Potatoes are one of the best vegetables you can eat. They are full of carotenoids, a plant pigment that the body can turn into Vitamin A, and are a great source of antioxidants that may help prevent certain cancers and heart disease as well as strengthen your immune system. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of Vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Try this recipe that hits a sweet spot –


Just 1 cup of Mangoes can supply 100% of your daily requirements for Vitamin C and 33% of your requirement for Vitamin A. It also has potassium, known for helping lower blood pressure and 3 grams of fiber. Here’s an easy smoothie recipe that is sure to please on a hot summer day –

broccoli Everybody knows that Broccoli is great for you but do you know why? It has tons of Vitamin C, carotendoids, Vitamin K, which provides an essential nutrient needed to promote blood clotting, and folic acid, which helps the body make healthy new cells. Vitamin K for pregnant women is really important in that it can prevent major birth defects of her baby’s brain or spine. Here’s a simple & quick broccoli recipe that you can throw on the grill with your meal –


Summer will be here soon and watermelons will be seen at almost every picnic. Feel good about snitching a piece because it has plenty of beneficial nutrients for your body. About 2 cups provides your body with 33% of your daily requirements for Vitamins A & C as well as some potassium and lycopene. Lycopene may decrease the risk of heart disease as well as lowering levels of LDL or bad” cholesterol. Just eat it like nature intended!


You probably don’t think of Butternut Squash very often but it is chock full of Vitamins A & C as well as providing lots of fiber. Check out this recipe for your next meal –

For further information on superfoods check out the article on foodmatters –

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